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Local Maternity and Neonatal System

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After the birth

Birth Reflections 

Support for you to reflect on your labour and birth experience 

Healthy Lifestyle buggy push colPregnancy, labour, birth, and the postnatal period can be different for every woman/birthing person and their families.

We are all different. Some birth experiences may leave women feeling empowered and strong, whilst others may be left feeling traumatised, distressed, or confused. For many, birth can be a mixture of all these emotions and experiences.

For some women, their birth experience may not be what they hoped for.  Birth often brings up big emotions and it may be helpful to have the space to reflect and talk about these feelings and experiences with a midwife or other health care professional who will also have access to your notes. 

Weeks, months or even years after the birth of your baby, you may find that you would like more information about what happened during their birth and why certain things were done. 

The Birth Reflections service aims to support you by allowing you to talk through these feelings and events, and have a better understanding of what happened during your labour and birth.  

Find out who the Birth Reflections service is for here.

How to arrange a Birth Reflections appointment here.

What will take place during your Birth Reflections appointment here.

About birth trauma here.

Links to perinatal mental health counselling, psychological therapy services and wellbeing resources here. 

2019-07-03 (7)

Your baby is now officially an embryo and is about the size of a poppy seed.

Please visit for more information.

2019-07-03 (4)

Your baby is now the size of a kidney bean and weighs 1g. 

Please visit for more information.

2019-07-03 (6)

Welcome to the second trimester!

Your baby is about the size of a small lime and weighs approximately 14g.

You have hopefully seen your midwife for your 'booking in' appointment, if you have not yet seen a midwife please make an appointment quickly, so you can have all of your choices about screening tests explained and offered to you.

Please visit for more information. You can also link to the 'Pregnancy Journey' area here.  


Your baby is about the size of an avocado and weighs approximately 100g. 

Please visit for more information.

2019-07-03 (2)

Your baby has grown in length and is now the length of a small banana and weighs approximately 300g. Around this time you will be offered your '20 week' scan, also known as the 'anatomy' or 'anomaly' scan.Click here for more information about screening. 

This is a also a good time to talk and sing to your bump as your baby can now hear sounds. This is great way for you and your partner/family to bond with your baby.

Please visit for more information.

2019-07-03 (8)

Your baby has grown again to the approximate length of an ear of sweetcorn and weighs about 600g. 

Please visit for more information.

2019-07-03 (1)

Welcome to the third trimester!

Your baby is now approximately the weight of an aubergine; about 1kg and approximately 37cm in length. 

Please visit for more information.

2019-07-03 (3)

Your baby now weighs approximately the same as a coconut; around 1.5kg. 

Please visit for more information.

2019-07-03 (5)

Your baby is now around the same size as a lettuce, approximately 47cm long and weighs around 2.6kg. 

Please visit for more information.

2019-07-03 (9)

Your baby is now the weight of a small watermelon which is approximately 3.3kg and around 50cm in length. 

Please visit for more information.