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Local Maternity and Neonatal System

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Preparing for pregnancy

Pregnancy testing

You can purchase pregnancy tests from many places, including pharmacies and supermarkets. It's best to wait until your period is late before you take a test to make sure you get an accurate result. However, there are more sensitive tests available that will give you an answer a little earlier.

If you get a positive test, it's time to think about the kind of care you might like to receive during your pregnancy and to contact the care provider you think will best suit your needs.

If you experience any bleeding, extreme morning sickness or need any early pregnancy support each Trust has an Early Pregnancy Department, this is run by Gynaecology services and you can gain a referral to this service via your GP. Your GP can also provide advice about any concerns you may have. After the booking appointment with your named midwife you will be given the contact information for the maternity service where you have chosen to have your care.

This website is designed to guide you through the services offered across Humber and North Yorkshire, so you can choose where and how you would like to receive your care. If you contact your chosen provider early you will be offered a booking appointment and access to health services including screening advice.

If the test is negative, it's best to wait a few days before repeating the test. Please see your GP if your period doesn't start and your tests are still negative.

Dad Dad Pregnant Surrogate

2019-07-03 (7)

Your baby is now officially an embryo and is about the size of a poppy seed.

Please visit for more information.

2019-07-03 (4)

Your baby is now the size of a kidney bean and weighs 1g. 

Please visit for more information.

2019-07-03 (6)

Welcome to the second trimester!

Your baby is about the size of a small lime and weighs approximately 14g.

You have hopefully seen your midwife for your 'booking in' appointment, if you have not yet seen a midwife please make an appointment quickly, so you can have all of your choices about screening tests explained and offered to you.

Please visit for more information. You can also link to the 'Pregnancy Journey' area here.  


Your baby is about the size of an avocado and weighs approximately 100g. 

Please visit for more information.

2019-07-03 (2)

Your baby has grown in length and is now the length of a small banana and weighs approximately 300g. Around this time you will be offered your '20 week' scan, also known as the 'anatomy' or 'anomaly' scan.Click here for more information about screening. 

This is a also a good time to talk and sing to your bump as your baby can now hear sounds. This is great way for you and your partner/family to bond with your baby.

Please visit for more information.

2019-07-03 (8)

Your baby has grown again to the approximate length of an ear of sweetcorn and weighs about 600g. 

Please visit for more information.

2019-07-03 (1)

Welcome to the third trimester!

Your baby is now approximately the weight of an aubergine; about 1kg and approximately 37cm in length. 

Please visit for more information.

2019-07-03 (3)

Your baby now weighs approximately the same as a coconut; around 1.5kg. 

Please visit for more information.

2019-07-03 (5)

Your baby is now around the same size as a lettuce, approximately 47cm long and weighs around 2.6kg. 

Please visit for more information.

2019-07-03 (9)

Your baby is now the weight of a small watermelon which is approximately 3.3kg and around 50cm in length. 

Please visit for more information.