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Local Maternity and Neonatal System

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Preparing for pregnancy

Smoking in pregnancy and COVID-19

During the period of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, pregnant women and their partners are still encouraged to give up smoking.  We don’t know a lot about COVID-19 yet as it is a new disease, but there is evidence that you are more likely to catch respiratory infections such as flu, if you smoke, and also that your symptoms may be more severe.

Guidance from the National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training advises that it is still vitally important that we help you to quit because smoking harms the immune system and smokers are therefore less protected against infections like coronavirus.

Smokers are therefore at greater risk of:

  • getting acute respiratory infections
  • infections lasting longer
  • infections being more serious than they would be for someone who does not smoke.

Your midwife will continue to have conversations with you about your smoking status during your pregnancy.

You can be reassured that specialist help is still there to support you to quit smoking, although you are likely to be accessing it in a different way such as via telephone, Skype or video call rather than face to face.  Nicotine replacement therapy products can still also be provided to support you in quitting.

For more information visit Today is the Day.

Advice for parents on smoking and the Coronavirus #QuitForCovid is available here.

2019-07-03 (7)

Your baby is now officially an embryo and is about the size of a poppy seed.

Please visit for more information.

2019-07-03 (4)

Your baby is now the size of a kidney bean and weighs 1g. 

Please visit for more information.

2019-07-03 (6)

Welcome to the second trimester!

Your baby is about the size of a small lime and weighs approximately 14g.

You have hopefully seen your midwife for your 'booking in' appointment, if you have not yet seen a midwife please make an appointment quickly, so you can have all of your choices about screening tests explained and offered to you.

Please visit for more information. You can also link to the 'Pregnancy Journey' area here.  


Your baby is about the size of an avocado and weighs approximately 100g. 

Please visit for more information.

2019-07-03 (2)

Your baby has grown in length and is now the length of a small banana and weighs approximately 300g. Around this time you will be offered your '20 week' scan, also known as the 'anatomy' or 'anomaly' scan.Click here for more information about screening. 

This is a also a good time to talk and sing to your bump as your baby can now hear sounds. This is great way for you and your partner/family to bond with your baby.

Please visit for more information.

2019-07-03 (8)

Your baby has grown again to the approximate length of an ear of sweetcorn and weighs about 600g. 

Please visit for more information.

2019-07-03 (1)

Welcome to the third trimester!

Your baby is now approximately the weight of an aubergine; about 1kg and approximately 37cm in length. 

Please visit for more information.

2019-07-03 (3)

Your baby now weighs approximately the same as a coconut; around 1.5kg. 

Please visit for more information.

2019-07-03 (5)

Your baby is now around the same size as a lettuce, approximately 47cm long and weighs around 2.6kg. 

Please visit for more information.

2019-07-03 (9)

Your baby is now the weight of a small watermelon which is approximately 3.3kg and around 50cm in length. 

Please visit for more information.