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Local Maternity and Neonatal System

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Safe Learning Environment Charter

PRN00748iv-safe-learning-environment-charter-priorities-12The Safe Learning Environment Charter (SLEC) aims to strengthen the NHS workforce. It has been developed by over 2482 learners, educators, and key stakeholders in health education.

It is designed for learners and those responsible for supporting placement learning across all learning environments and all professions within them. It is aligned to the NHS People Promise in recognition that learners are vital to the workforce and are included in the promises we must all make to each other, to improve everyone’s experience of working in the NHS. The Charter sets out the supportive learning environment required to allow learners to become well-rounded professionals with the right skills and knowledge to provide safe and compassionate care of the highest quality.

NHS England Safe Learning Environment Charter (SLEC) has 10 priorities, they are:

Respect and feeling valued Learners are respected and feel valued in the learning environment, demonstrated by effective communication and engagement.
Positive identity Learners are easily identified and viewed positively within the clinical environment.
Wellbeing Learners understand the importance of physical, emotional, and psychological safety and are aware of services and resources that can support their health and wellbeing.
Raising concerns & speaking up Learners know how to raise a concern and feel empowered to speak up, knowing that they will be appropriately supported.

Placement induction

Learners receive a placement induction that supports their learning and adequately prepares them for their roles. Placement induction processes are well-established and evidenced to support learners.
Communication Learners have a clear pathway for support from both the education provider and the placement provider. They know by whom, when and how that support is delivered.
Flexibility Learner wellbeing and professional development is supported by flexible working and learning practices, both in terms of accessibility to facilities and to forms of educational opportunities.
Supervision Learners are supported by positive role models and appropriate levels of supervision. Continuity of supervision builds on individual learning needs, develops confidence and proficiency.

Teaching and learning needs

Learners are supported by supervisors who are adequately prepared for the role and understand the underpinning principles regarding how individuals learn in a practice setting. They are recognised as learners rather than workers and enabled to develop towards independent practice.
Time and space for learning Learners are given time to reflect on and process learning experiences. They receive regular verbal and written feedback, providing opportunities for development and assessment to occur.

Local action

The Charter is a call to action for education and placement providers, educators, and learners. Their commitment to jointly embed its priorities and recommendations across organisations will bring the charter to life.

Efforts to implement the charter should be integrated into organisations’ medium- and long-term planning, with monitoring processes implemented to assess and measure their impact.

The golden threads running through the charter are EDI, patient safety, and psychological safety. Projects and initiatives to implement the Charter’s priorities should be linked to ongoing work in these key areas to exploit synergies and strengthen their impact.

2019-07-03 (7)

Your baby is now officially an embryo and is about the size of a poppy seed.

Please visit for more information.

2019-07-03 (4)

Your baby is now the size of a kidney bean and weighs 1g. 

Please visit for more information.

2019-07-03 (6)

Welcome to the second trimester!

Your baby is about the size of a small lime and weighs approximately 14g.

You have hopefully seen your midwife for your 'booking in' appointment, if you have not yet seen a midwife please make an appointment quickly, so you can have all of your choices about screening tests explained and offered to you.

Please visit for more information. You can also link to the 'Pregnancy Journey' area here.  


Your baby is about the size of an avocado and weighs approximately 100g. 

Please visit for more information.

2019-07-03 (2)

Your baby has grown in length and is now the length of a small banana and weighs approximately 300g. Around this time you will be offered your '20 week' scan, also known as the 'anatomy' or 'anomaly' scan.Click here for more information about screening. 

This is a also a good time to talk and sing to your bump as your baby can now hear sounds. This is great way for you and your partner/family to bond with your baby.

Please visit for more information.

2019-07-03 (8)

Your baby has grown again to the approximate length of an ear of sweetcorn and weighs about 600g. 

Please visit for more information.

2019-07-03 (1)

Welcome to the third trimester!

Your baby is now approximately the weight of an aubergine; about 1kg and approximately 37cm in length. 

Please visit for more information.

2019-07-03 (3)

Your baby now weighs approximately the same as a coconut; around 1.5kg. 

Please visit for more information.

2019-07-03 (5)

Your baby is now around the same size as a lettuce, approximately 47cm long and weighs around 2.6kg. 

Please visit for more information.

2019-07-03 (9)

Your baby is now the weight of a small watermelon which is approximately 3.3kg and around 50cm in length. 

Please visit for more information.